lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2010

No podes meter en tu cabeza que soy la unica que te quiere de verdad.

martes, 16 de noviembre de 2010

Deja de tener miedo de lo que podría salir mal y empezá a pensar en lo que podría salir bien


No quiero cantarte una canción, no quiero decir como me siento. No voy a decirte lo que estoy pensando o admitir que es verdad. Voy a encontrarlo, mantenerlo dentro mío lo más que pueda porque tengo miedo de que sea demasiado real y que pueda perderte si dejo mi corazón en tus manos.



jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010

I don't really know you but i know for sure that you are beautiful

Me gusta vivir sin nada arreglado, no me digas lo que va a pasar ahora, estoy bien, me gusta como se siente. Dejá atrás todas las cosas que extrañás, la próxima parada no es donde creés que es porque hoy estoy llendo fuera de las vías


The lousy truth

Asi que andá a una escuela lejos de acá, encontrá a una chica nueva, una vida nueva, un grupo nuevo de amigos. Porque lo único que voy a hacer es romperte el corazón, y me rompe el corazón el verte acá


martes, 19 de octubre de 2010

El amor es ciego y por eso no me viste

My blueberry nights

"Lo único que quería es que él me dejara ir, y ahora que se fue, me duele más que cualquier otra cosa en el mundo"

viernes, 15 de octubre de 2010


#1 Siempre decí como te sentís
#2 Sonreile a tu mala suerte & a lo patético que sos
#3 Disfrutá todos los momentos
#4 Entendé a la gente, sean como sean
#5 Sé justo con cada ser viviente
#6 Creé
#7 Aceptá las consecuencias
#8 Aprendé a quedarte
#9 Aprendé a irte
#10 Mirá al cielo
#11 Sé un soñador
#12 Hacé sonreir a la gente
#13 Siempre se vos mismo
#14 Agradecé y hacelo en serio
#15 Llorá
#16 Dejá de llorar
#17 Amá TODO
#18 Ayudá y serás ayudado
#19 Hay una razón por la cual sos vos
#20 Sos responsable de todo lo que hagas o no hagas

jueves, 24 de junio de 2010

Untitled I

It doesn't matter what you say. I doesn't matter what you think we are. I love you and i'll love you as long as i can't have you and that's the last thing that i want: not having you.


Doesn't make scense ?

That's because love never makes scense

jueves, 17 de junio de 2010


viernes, 11 de junio de 2010

In memorian ~

Young and strong Hollywood in the early morning light. This star fell down on Sunset Boulevard. Young and strong beautiful one that we embraced so close is gone, was torn away.
Let the youth of America mourn include him in their prayers. Let his image linger on. Repeat it everywhere. With candles, with flowers. He was one of ours. One of ours ~
Why don't you let him be? He's gone, we know
It's nothing but a tragedy.
Give his mother and his father peace. Your vulture's candor, your casual slander. You murder his memory. He's gone we know, it's nothing but a tragedy. Lay to rest your soul and body lay beside your name. Lay to rest your rage, your hunger and amazing grace. With candles, with flowers. He was one of ours. One of ours ~
I saw cameras expose your life. I heard rumors explode with lies. I saw children in tears cry and crowd around the sight of where you had collapsed. That day where your last breath and word had been sighed, where your heart had burst, where you had died.
Why don't you let him be? He's gone, we know.
Give his mother and his father peace. Your vulture's candor, your casual slander. You murder his memory. He's gone we know, it's nothing but a tragedy. Lay to rest your soul and body lay beside your name. Lay to rest your rage, your hunger and amazing grace. With candles, with flowers. He was one of ours. One of ours ~

Mr. River Phoenix

hesgotstyle ~

If it’s not those cowboyboots in the summer. Oh my God i pray for another chance to drive down back highways ‘till i stumble upon your beautiful face. Your prescence isn’t what kills me. It’s that artistic gleam that’s taking over my scenery dream by dream. You may think i’m incapable of loving a soul like yours. You may think i’m a fool, for you.
‘Cause boy you’ve got style and that’s what i love about you. The way that you sit back, oh how you sit back and watched this grow. You’ve got dreams and therebefore i believe in you. All that small town people with they big remarks, they ain’t got jack to say about my movie star. He’s got style.
He’s got style

Don't take life so seriously